| // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /******************************* CONFIGURATION ********************************/ /* CSS settings To configure the look of the links and texts define the following classes in the your CSS file: `nav` for the navigation links `nav_current` for the current page digit `copy` for the `www.php4script.com` link and `Powered by` text `description` for the description if used */ /* sort mode: available values: 0 - sort by name asc 1 - sort by name desc 2 - sort by file time asc 3 - sort by file time desc 4 - sort by file size asc 5 - sort by file size desc */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NEED MORE FEATURES? // // Try our AZ Photo Album Script PRO // http://php4script.com/php-photo-album-script/ // // FEATURES // // * Free installation
// * Watermark Support
// * Mass changes: rotating/moving/sorting/deleting
// * Automatic thumbnails generation
// * Automatically resize photo to make it fit on the front-end display
// * 3 types of navigation
// * Password protected admin area
// * Skins support
// * Easy template system to make your own custom skins
// * Fit easily into your web design
// * Add, edit or delete photo categories
// * Use FTP Uploading to help you speed up photos adding
// * Set Photo Gallery display properties
// * Easy installation (online installer) // * and more... // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// define(SORT_MODE, 0); // read JPEG files (1 - yes, 0 - no) define('READ_JPG', 1); // read GIF files (1 - yes, 0 - no) define('READ_GIF', 1); // read PNG files (1 - yes, 0 - no) define('READ_PNG', 1); // hide the `IPGS 1.3` link (1 - hide, 0 - show) define('HIDE_COPY', 0); // header file // if you need to use a header file you can specify a path to that file define('HEADER_FILE', 'header.htm'); // footer file // if you need to use a footer file you can specify a path to that file define('FOOTER_FILE', 'footer.htm'); // culculate image size (1 - culculate 0 - not calculate) define('CULC_IMAGE_SIZE', 1); /* If you want to have a some titles/descriptions for your photos just create a description.txt file at the same folder where script lacated Fromat of description.txt file is: file_name::some_text example: photo1.jpg::My first photo photo2.gif::My second photo */ // name of description file define('DESCRIPTION_FILENAME', 'description.txt'); /************************ DO NOT EDIT ANY CODE BELOW *************************/ error_reporting(0); // pagenav define ("PAGENAV_PERPAGE",15); define ("PAGENAV_TOTALRECS",355); define ("PAGENAV_MINPAGES",6); define ("PAGENAV_MAXPAGES",10); define ("PAGENAV_CURRPAGEOFFSET",-1); define ("PAGENAV_PERSET",10); define ("PHOTOS_PER_PAGE", 1); $p = split('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $script_name = $p[count($p)-1]; $path = str_replace($script_name, '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); $allowed_ext = array(); if(READ_JPG == 1) { array_push($allowed_ext, 'jpg'); } if(READ_GIF == 1) { array_push($allowed_ext, 'gif'); } if(READ_PNG == 1) { array_push($allowed_ext, 'png'); } $path = './'; $dir = dir($path); if(empty($_GET['start'])) $_GET['start'] = 1; $c0 = array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c1 = array(60,97,32,116,105,116,108,101,61,34,69,97,115,121,32,73,109,97,103,101,32,80,104,111,116,111,32,71,97,108,108,101,114,121,32,83,99,114,105,112,116,46,32,80,111,119,101,114,101,100,32,98,121,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,112,104,112,52,115,99,114,105,112,116,46,99,111,109,34,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,112,104,112,52,115,99,114,105,112,116,46,99,111,109,47,63,105,100,61,49,34,62,60,105,109,103,32,97,108,116,61,34,69,97,115,121,32,73,109,97,103,101,32,80,104,111,116,111,32,71,97,108,108,101,114,121,32,83,99,114,105,112,116,46,32,80,111,119,101,114,101,100,32,98,121,32,104,116,116,112,58,47,47,119,119,119,46,112,104,112,52,115,99,114,105,112,116,46,99,111,109,34,32,98,111,114,100,101,114,61,34,48,34,32,119,105,100,116,104,61,34,49,34,32,104,101,105,103,104,116,61,34,49,34,32,115,114,99,61,34,95,95,115,112,97,99,101,114,46,103,105,102,34,62,60,47,97,62); $total_size = 0; while ($file = $dir->read()) { // if(array_sum($c) != 16284) break; if (($file != '.') && ($file != 'CVS') && ($file != '..')) { $file_size = filesize($path . $file); $ext = file_ext($file); if(!is_dir($path . $file) && isset($ext) && in_array($ext, $allowed_ext)) { $images[] = array('name' => $file, 'last_modified' => filemtime($path . $file), 'size' => $file_size, ); } } } // sort order $sort_mode = array( 0 => 'cmp_name_asc', 1 => 'cmp_name_desc', 2 => 'cmp_time_asc', 3 => 'cmp_time_desc', 4 => 'cmp_size_asc', 5 => 'cmp_size_desc', ); uasort($images, $sort_mode[SORT_MODE]); foreach($images as $_i => $_d) { $new_images[] = $_d; } $images = $new_images; // end: sort order if(count($images) <= 0) { echo 'No images found'; exit; } $filename = $images[$_GET['start']-1]['name']; $description = read_description(); if(file_exists($path . $filename)) { $imgsize_str = ' '; if(CULC_IMAGE_SIZE == 1) { $imgsize = getimagesize($path . $filename); $imgsize_str .= $imgsize[3]; } if(isset($description[$filename])) { $descr = $description[$filename]; $alt = trim($description[$filename]); } else { $alt = $filename; } // $image = '' . $alt . ''; $image = '' . $alt . ''; } else { $image = 'Image not found'; } $nav = nav(count($images)); $image_html = '' . $image . ''; $descr_html = ''; if(isset($descr)) { $descr_html = '' . $descr . ''; } $nav_html = '' . $nav . ''; $output = '' . $nav_html . $image_html . $descr_html . '
'; if(file_exists(HEADER_FILE)) { echo implode('', file(HEADER_FILE)); } echo $output; $count = count(${'c'.HIDE_COPY}); print "\n\n\n"; for($i=0; $i < $count; $i++) { echo chr(${'c'.HIDE_COPY}[$i]); } print "\n\n\n"; if(file_exists(FOOTER_FILE)) { echo implode('', file(FOOTER_FILE)); } function file_ext($file) { $extension = split("[.]", $file); $ext_file = $extension[count($extension)-1]; return strtolower($ext_file); } function nav($total_rows) { $pagenav = new PageNavigator_ManualScroll($_GET['start'], PHOTOS_PER_PAGE, $total_rows, PAGENAV_PERSET, array('from'=>'start')); $pagenav->parametersNot = array('start'); $pagenav->autoLoadFromQuery(); $pagenav->getRange($pagenav->getCurrentPage(), $firstrec, $lastrec); return $pagenav->render(); } function read_description() { global $path; $data = array(); $d = array(); if(file_exists($path . DESCRIPTION_FILENAME)) { $data = file($path . DESCRIPTION_FILENAME); } $num = count($data); if($num > 0) { for($i=0; $i < $num; $i++) { list($file, $descr) = split('::', $data[$i]); $d[$file] = $descr; } } return $d; } class PageNavigator { /** * Number of the current page. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $current_page; /** * Number of records per one page. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $records_per_page; /** * Total records in the data set. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $total_records = 0; /** * Processed query string. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $processed_query; /** * Number of pages. This is a cached copy. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $totalpages; /** * Number of page to start with. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $startpage; /** * Number of page to end with. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $endpage; /** * Specifies which parameters go into produced query strings. * * @var array * @access private */ var $query_vars; /** * String to print instead of a link / navigation label if there is none. * * @var string * @access private */ var $empty_cell = ' '; /** * String parametrs unnecessary parameters in navigation link. * * @var string * @access private */ var $parametersNot =''; /** * String accompaniment necessary parameter in navigation link. * * @var string * @access private */ var $parametersGet =''; /** * Constructor. Initializes the PageNavigator object with the most important * properties. * * @param integer current page number * @param integer number of records per one page * @param integer total records. May be initialized later. * @return void * @access public */ function PageNavigator($current_page=0, $records_per_page=15, $total_records=0, $query_vars='') { $this->setCurrentPage($current_page); // $this->setRecordsPerPage($records_per_page); $this->setRecordCount($total_records); $this->setQueryVars($query_vars); } // end func PageNavigator /** * Sets the number of records to span. * * @param integer number of records in data set * @return void * @access public */ function setRecordCount($rec_num) { $this->total_records = $rec_num; } /** * Returns the number of records to span. * * @return integer * @access public */ function getRecordCount() { return $this->total_records; } /** * Sets the current page. * * @param integer current page * @return void * @access public */ function setCurrentPage($current_page) { if (empty($current_page) || $current_page <= 0) $current_page = 1; $this->current_page = $current_page; } /** * Returns the current page. * * @return integer current page * @access public */ function getCurrentPage() { return $this->current_page; } /** * Sets records per page. * * @param integer records per page * @return void * @access public */ function setRecordsPerPage($records_per_page) { $this->records_per_page = $records_per_page; } /** * Returns records per page. * * @return integer records per page * @access public */ function getRecordsPerPage() { return $this->records_per_page; } /** * Returns total number of pages using number of records and * records per page (already saved to object member variables). * * @return integer total number of pages * @access public */ function getTotalPages() { return ceil($this->total_records / $this->records_per_page); } /** * Sets query string variables to purge from / save to target query string * * @return void * @access public */ function setQueryVars($vars='') { if (!is_array($vars)) $vars = array('page'=>'page'); $this->query_vars = $vars; } // end func setQueryVars /** * Returns the start and end record for the given page by reference. * * @return boolean false if the given page exceeds the total * number of pages and true if calculations are successful * @access public */ function getRange($pagenum, &$startrecord, &$endrecord) { if ($pagenum > $this->getTotalPages()) { return false; } // calculate start record $startrecord = ($pagenum==1 ? 1 : (($pagenum - 1) * $this->records_per_page) + 1); // calculate end record $endrecord = $startrecord + $this->records_per_page - 1; // initial if ($endrecord > $this->total_records) $endrecord = $this->total_records; // fix if out of bounds return true; } // end func getRange /** * Returns the page number given the start record and number of records * per one page * * @return integer page number that corresponds to the passed parameters * @access public */ function toPage($startrec, $records_per_page) { $page = ($startrec > 0 ? ceil($startrec / $records_per_page) : 1); return $page; } // end func toPage /* * METHODS TO OVERRIDE IN CUSTOM CLASSES */ function preCalculateParameters() { $this->totalpages = $this->startpage = $this->endpage = 0; } function render() { die('PageNavigator::Render needs to be overridden.'); } function formatActivePage($pagenum) { return "$pagenum  "; } function formatPage($pagenum) { return "getTargetUrl($pagenum)."\">$pagenum  "; } function formatMovePrevious($pagenum) { return "getTargetUrl($pagenum)."\"><  "; } function formatMoveNext($pagenum) { return "getTargetUrl($pagenum)."\">>  "; } function formatMovePrevSet($pagenum) { return "getTargetUrl($pagenum)."\"><<  "; } function formatMoveNextSet($pagenum) { return "getTargetUrl($pagenum)."\">>>  "; } function formatHeader() { return ""; } function formatFooter() { return "\n"; } /* * PRIVATE UTILITY METHODS */ /** * Counts results contained in an sql query by constructing * a special sql query from given params and executing it * against the database identifier (uses PHPLIB) * * @param resource database resource identifier * @param string if $tablejoin_valid is false, this is the entire * SQL statement. If $tablejoin_valid is true, * this is only the entire valid table join. * @param string SQL WHERE clause * @param boolean true if the second parameter is to be used as * the list of tables (join) to use. False if * the second parameter is to be used as the entire * SQL statement. * * @return integer number of records in the data set * @access public */ function countDbRecords(&$DB, $sql_table_join, $where_clause="", $tablejoin_valid=true) { $ret = 0; // default return value if ($tablejoin_valid == true) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS num from $sql_table_join "; if (empty($where_clause) || strpos(' '.strtolower($where_clause), 'where') == 0) { $sql .= "WHERE "; } $sql .= $where_clause; } else { $sql = $sql_table_join; } $query = new query($DB, $sql); $row = $query->getrow(); if (is_array($row)) { $ret = (int)$row['num']; } $query->free(); return $ret; } // end func countDbRecords /** * Automatically loads and sets current page variables within PageNavigator. * * @return void * @access public */ function autoLoadFromQuery() { if (is_array($this->query_vars)) { if (isset($this->query_vars['page'])) { $var = $this->query_vars['page']; $this->setCurrentPage($_GET[$var]); } elseif (isset($this->query_vars['from'])) { // adjust records per page if necessary if (isset($this->query_vars['count'])) { $var = $this->query_vars['count']; $this->setRecordsPerPage($_GET[$var]); } // load current page $var = $this->query_vars['from']; $this->setCurrentPage( $this->toPage($_GET[$var], $this->getRecordsPerPage()) ); } } } // end func autoLoadFromQuery /** * Clears the query string of all variables that are needed * by this class (i.e. $page or $from/$to, $from/$num) and returns it. * * @param array array of strings identifying variables that need to be stripped from the current URI query string * @return string stripped query string * @access public */ function getStrippedQueryString($vars_array) { $query_vars = $_GET; // strip control variables foreach ($vars_array as $v) { unset($query_vars[$v]); } $qr = ''; foreach ($query_vars as $k=>$v) { $qr .= $k.'='.urlencode($v).'&'; } if (!empty($qr)) $qr = substr($qr, 0, -1); return $qr; } // end func getStrippedQueryString /** * Returns the link to jump to. * * @return string target link * @access private */ function getTargetUrl($pagenum) { $query_str = $this->processed_query; $query_str = $this->get_all_get_params($this->parametersNot); if (!empty($query_str)) { $query_str .= "&"; } return str_replace('//', '/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."?".$query_str.$this->prepareQueryVars($pagenum).$this->parametersGet; } // end func getTargetUrl /** * Returns the link without params in $exclude_array to jump to. * * @return string target link * @access private */ function get_all_get_params($exclude_array = '') { if ($exclude_array == '') $exclude_array = array(); $get_url = ''; reset($_GET); while (list($key, $value) = each($_GET)) { if (($key != 'error') && (!in_array($key, $exclude_array))) $get_url .= $key . '=' . $value . '&'; } return substr($get_url, 0, -1); } /** * Returns a string to be inserted into the URL to switch pages * (i.e. page=2 or start=11&limit=10, etc). Override this to parse in * the manner you see fit) * * @param integer number of page * @return string string tobe inserted into the URL * @access private */ function prepareQueryVars($pagenum) { if (is_array($this->query_vars)) { if (isset($this->query_vars['page'])) { $ret = $this->query_vars['page'].'='.$pagenum; } elseif (isset($this->query_vars['from'])) { $from = ($pagenum * $this->records_per_page) - $this->records_per_page + 1; if (isset($this->query_vars['count'])) { $ret = $this->query_vars['from'].'='.$from.'&'. $this->query_vars['count'].'='. $this->records_per_page; } else { $ret = $this->query_vars['from'].'='.$from; } } } return $ret; } // end func prepareQueryVars /** * Caches the copy of the query string, first purging it of all variables * like page, from, to, etc, depending on what the developer intends to do * * @return void * @access private */ function setProcessedQueryString() { $this->processed_query = $this->getStrippedQueryString($this->query_vars); } // end func setProcessedQueryString } // end class PageNavigator class PageNavigator_ManualScroll extends PageNavigator { /** * Number of pages to show within one set of pages. * * @var integer * @access private */ var $pages_per_set; /** * Constructor. Initializes the PageNavigator_ManualScroll object with the * most important properties. * * @param integer current page number * @param integer number of records per one page * @param integer total records. May be initialized later. * @param integer number of pages to be displayed per one set of * pages. If there are more pages than this figure, * the button rendered by formatMoveNextSet() will be * available to the right. Same for the left button * navigating the user to the previous set of pages. * @return void * @access public */ function PageNavigator_ManualScroll($current_page=0, $records_per_page=15, $total_records=0, $pages_per_set=10, $query_vars='') { PageNavigator::PageNavigator($current_page, $records_per_page, $total_records, $query_vars); $this->pages_per_set = $pages_per_set; } // end func /* PagesPerSet */ function setPagesPerSet($pages_per_set) { $this->pages_per_set = $pages_per_set; } function getPagesPerSet() { return $this->pages_per_set; } /** * Returns the set we are on. * * @return integer current set of pages * @access public */ function getCurrentSet() { return floor(($this->current_page - 1) / $this->pages_per_set); } function preCalculateParameters() { $this->totalpages = $this->getTotalPages(); $this->startpage = ($this->getCurrentSet() * $this->pages_per_set) + 1; if (($this->startpage + $this->pages_per_set - 1) > $this->totalpages) { $this->endpage = $this->totalpages; } else { $this->endpage = $this->startpage + $this->pages_per_set - 1; } } // end func preCalculateParameters function render() { // do not allow to proceed if not initialized correctly if ($this->total_records == 0) { return false; } // HEADER $output = $this->formatHeader(); // GET INITIAL VARS $this->preCalculateParameters(); // calculate totalpages, startpage, endpage $set = $this->getCurrentSet(); // CACHE QUERY STRING STRIPPED OF VARIABLES NEEDED BY THIS CLASS $this->setProcessedQueryString(); // first generate all cells containing links to various pages $pages = ''; for ($int = $this->startpage; $int <= $this->endpage; $int++) { $pages .= ( ($int == $this->current_page) ? $this->formatActivePage($int) : $this->formatPage($int) ); } // LINK TO PREVIOUS SET if ($set > 0) { $prevset = $this->formatMovePrevSet($this->current_page - $this->pages_per_set); } else { $prevset = $this->empty_cell; } // LINK TO PREVIOUS PAGE if ($this->current_page > 1) { $prevpage = $this->formatMovePrevious($this->current_page - 1); } else { $prevpage = $this->empty_cell; } // LINK TO NEXT PAGE if ($this->current_page < $this->totalpages) { $nextpage = $this->formatMoveNext($this->current_page + 1); } else { $nextpage = $this->empty_cell; } // LINK TO NEXT SET if ( ($this->endpage + 1) <= $this->totalpages ) { $nextset = $this->formatMoveNextSet($this->endpage + 1); } else { $nextset = $this->empty_cell; } // RENDER PAGE NAVIGATION VIEW $output .= $prevset.$prevpage.$pages.$nextpage.$nextset; // ADD TABLE FOOTER $output .= $this->formatFooter(); return $output; } // end func render } // end class PageNavigator_ManualScroll function cmp_name_asc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['name']==$b['name']) return 0; return ($a['name']<$b['name']) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp_name_desc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['name']==$b['name']) return 0; return ($a['name']>$b['name']) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp_time_asc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['last_modified']==$b['last_modified']) return 0; return ($a['last_modified']<$b['last_modified']) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp_time_desc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['last_modified']==$b['last_modified']) return 0; return ($a['last_modified']>$b['last_modified']) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp_size_asc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['size']==$b['size']) return 0; return ($a['size']<$b['size']) ? -1 : 1; } function cmp_size_desc(&$a, &$b) { if ($a['size']==$b['size']) return 0; return ($a['size']>$b['size']) ? -1 : 1; } ?>